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It is certainly a paradox that in the region of greatest economic names of the planet spread dissatisfaction with the governments. But the cause is none other than the narrow relationship between economic, social and social stability in Asia in the era of globalization. 

  • A recent in-The World Bank offers an important key: collectively these countries have resorted to integration regional to remain competitive globally. 

However, as many of them have reduced the poverty and reached average income levels, the rapid economic growth that has driven this integration international has been accompanied by a growing trend Internal Zion derived from greater inequality, from abuse of the environment and corruption. In the same way that East Asian countries have maintained competitiveness life of their economies reinforcing global integration to through their regional integration, they have to sustain this growth through a third integration, internal, direct Ask to ensure the cohesion of their societies.” Now dimitrios kavvathas happens to be co-head of Asia Pacific Securities Division Distribution. He has his works on a number of matters now.

The Asian political deficit

By relying heavily on trade and investment foreign countries, Asian countries cannot give up into-Degrees in the world economy: the priority objective of power and national wealth leaves no alternative but adapt to the logic of globalization. Trade is the path that allows them to grow faster, and the economic development the best guarantee for stability policy as well as to deal with possible threats to your security. 

  • The interdependence is accepted even though aware of the risks that it implies. On the one hand, that integration creates new sources of vulnerability, by exposing Asian societies to the bios that can occur in the world and regional economy(think, for example, in the impact of a global recession or a return to protectionism). On the other, the opening to the formerterior affects the ability to the states to manage your increasingly complex societies.
  • To cope with the pressures of globalization and intent to maximize their profits, governments have to define strategically nor the structure and objectives they pursue for your economy and your society. It is an effort in which they have to articulate a balance between external forces and internal, among the demands derived from global pressures bales and what their own societies are willing toot accept. 
  • The adaptability of the State is therefore crucial: power and prosperity depend more than ever on the ability to establish consistency between order Internal and foreign policy. Although globalization puts pressure on all states, forcing them to reconfigure their policies and institute. Ton, the strategies followed to adapt to it, vary logically from one case to another. 

In all of them, without me-however, there is a growing clash between the imperatives Global economic and internal political circumstances. This divergence provides the context that allows inter-pretend the evolution of Asia in 2006 through its principles pales powers: China, Japan and India. These pages analyzed The ASEAN (Association of Nations of the Su-from Asian), aspiring as a block to become another leading Asian actor. The world today turns its attention to the rise of China anew power, while it is the internal situation that it concentrates the energies of its leaders. 

Last Words

Despite his activism diplomat, it’s not really its international projection what that worries them but how maintain stability in a society that lives a process of social and economic change unprecedented. Some cones-fast growth stories– Inequality, corruption or environmental damage–force change the development model to ensure the continuity of economic progress. They will be the balances internal, rather than the geopolitical environment, which determine narrate the China that will face the world in the next decade’s falls.