Injured on the Job? Know Your Rights

If you have been injured on the job, you should know your rights. These include receiving income benefits and reasonable medical care. You are also entitled to keep your claim confidential. However, there are certain rules you need to follow, including when your claim will be considered out of network. Also, some doctors don’t accept […]

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What is Mobile Data Leakage?

Mobile data leakage takes place when an unauthorized external recipient gets access to the data transmitted from your organization. With the continuous advancement happening in the digital world, providing access to almost everyone using smartphones, this incident can happen electronically.  One of the reasons why data leakage happens is that some employees utilize the same […]

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how to get your UAE trade license

How to get your UAE trade license

There are many reasons why the UAE remains one of the world’s most popular business destinations. Its great global location, stable political and economic environment, and low barriers to entry continue to bring thousands of entrepreneurs to our shores every year. They come from far and wide to join our largely expatriate population, starting businesses […]

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PCB Trace Width Design

In PCB design, the PCB trace width is related to the performance of the circuit. For simple circuits with a current of less than 1 ampere, the PCB trace width design is simple. As current, voltage rise in the circuit, the PCB trace width becomes crucial. Wrong trace widths at high current/voltage will tend to […]

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Comparing Recycling And Reusing

The supportability examination between recycling single-use packaging and reusing packaging is clear: there is no correlation. Basically, the most ideal approach to oversee materials to take out waste, monitor regular assets, and have eco friendly solutions, in a specific order, is to: (1) don’t make the item (source reduction); (2) reuse what’s now been made; […]

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The Different Elements of Integrated Logistics Support

Integrated Logistic Support is a management and technical process through which supportability and logistic support are integrated into a design to plan and develop support for systems in order to assure the right availability throughout the lifecycle. The integrated logistic support services majorly focus on four key points i.e. reliability, availability, maintainability, and testability. Here […]

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